During a forum organized in Paris by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) on September 19th and 20th, the GIFEN signed a joint declaration titled "Roadmap for New Nuclear" with other representative associations from the nuclear industry in different countries. The forum on September 19th and 20th involved representatives from many countries and counterpart associations of GIFEN internationally. Olivier Bard, General Delegate of GIFEN, participated in a roundtable discussion focused on the supply chain.
The joint declaration, also signed by Nucleareurope, CNA (Canada), COG (CANDU Owners Group) JAIF (Japan), KAIF (South Korea), NIA (United Kingdom), NEI and EPRI (United States) as well as by the World Nuclear Association (WNA) calls on governments to promote and accelerate the construction of new fleets of nuclear reactors.
You can download this statement at the following link.