69130, ECULLY
Energie Nucléaire

Products & Services


  • Other services

Testing and monitoring

  • Design and development
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction/Installation
  • Other services

Pipework/ Welding

  • Design and development
  • Other services

Rotating machines

  • Other services


Founded in 1866, TÜV SÜD is an international group that employs more than 25,000 people worldwide. TÜV SÜD is a trusted partner of choice for safety and sustainability solutions. We have added value for our partners & clients through a full portfolio of testing, certification, auditing and inspection services.

TÜV SÜD France is the French subsidiary of the TÜV SÜD Group. Founded in 2010, the company is an independent in the fields of energy, industry, transport and construction.

With 4 locations (Ecully, Metz, Ivry-sur-Seine, Le Mans), TÜV SÜD France offers its employees and partners the proximity and reactivity necessary for the successful completion of major projects. 

We are at your disposal to offer you solutions in terms of :
- Inspections (ASME Code, PED, Machine Inspection Directive Part II, ATEX, Hydrogen, UKCA),
- Management system certification audits (ISO 19443, 9001, 14001, 45001), 
- Trainings, 
- Property diagnostics. Asbestos & radon measurements.

- Cybersecurity.


- EU normes, ISO, ASME & RCCM, COFRAC, ESP - ISO 19443 - ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 - ISO/IEC 17021 & 17025 - ASME, KTA, RCC-M - CODAP/CODETI - EN 1090 - EN ISO 3834 - AD Merkblatt HP0 - EN 15085 - UKCA (PER – ON 0168)


Boilermaking - Piping - Fittings Steelworks - Forges - Foundries

Reference nuclear projects

EPR Flamanville - France FRM II - Germany Taishan EPR - China Angra 2 - Brazil

Implementation countries

All activities

  • France

Nuclear activity

  • France

Exportation countries

From France in the nuclear

  • Germany
  • South Korea
  • Poland
  • United Kingdom
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