92099, La Défense
Energie Nucléaire

Business area


  • Maintenance/Plant operation

Rotating machines, pumps

  • Maintenance/Plant operation

Logistics, transport and handling

  • Maintenance/Plant operation

Water Treatment

  • Maintenance/Plant operation

IT services

  • Construction/Installation


Dalkia EN is the subsidiary of Dalkia dedicated to nuclear activity. Dalkia EN is one of EDF's strategic service providers for the maintenance of its nuclear and building fleet.


We work on all NPPs, both on tertiary buildings (Management of service providers, multi-technical maintenance, local services to occupants, works, etc.) and on process installations (maintenance of ventilation and cooling systems, maintenance of groups generators, design engineering and major projects, electrical maintenance, pump maintenance, lighting maintenance, compressed air production maintenance, etc.).


ISO_9001, ISO_14001, CEFRI : Travaux de maintenance ou d'intervention pour les types de zones suivantes Zones surveillées, contrôlées, au sein des installations suivantes INB, INBS et tout type d'installations industrielles et de recherche, /

Nuclear customers references

EDF (DPN, DP2D, DIPDE, ULM, DIG, IZIVIA), Westinghouse

Reference nuclear projects

EDF maintenance génie climatique, EDF groupes électrogène , EDF pilotage et maintenance des bâtiments, EDF conception et installation des Groupes D'ultimes Secours (remplaçants des Turbines à Combustion)

French Nuclear sites on which you worked on previously or currently

International nuclear sites on which you worked on previously or currently

How can we support you ?

How can we support you ?

To join us, go to “Become a member page”

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The information you provide to us is necessary for GIFEN to be able to communicate with you following your request, depending on the nature of your request. As such, GIFEN, as joint manager with its subsidiary GIFEN Services, processes your personal data under the conditions provided more specifically in the confidentiality policy accessible here. You have the right to access, rectify, delete your data, a right to limitation as well as the right to object to the processing of your data, which you can exercise by writing to protection.donnees@gifen.fr.